1. Is clinetrust.com a registered business?

Yes, ClineTrust is a business registered in Nigeria with the registration details 1959917 CLINETRUST LTD

2. What do I do if what I ordered is not what the seller sent to me?

You can go to your dashboard, click order, and then select the particular order. After that, click on "product not in good condition," and a customer representative will follow up and fix it. Your money would be refunded to you, but you have to send the product back to the seller, and the cost is on you.

3. Why do I have to trust the seller and make payment before the arrival of the product?

Any time you place an order on clinetrust.com the payment is held by ClineTrust escrow. It's only when you confirm the product is received by clicking on "product received" on your order page or you have picked up the product at any of our registered pick up centers close to you, that's when the money will be released to the seller.

4. Can I make a payment outside ClineTrust to a seller or do offline business with a merchant from ClineTrust?

No, you can't. Any time you do business on the ClineTrust platform, we protect you from illegitimate merchants, but whenever you do business outside the ClineTrust platform, we don't have enough evidence to protect you. However, you can trade with our verified merchants on properties, cars, and services, but make sure you make a proper inquiry about the product or service. Request to see the original documents before you make payment. Remember, ClineTrust will not be held responsible for any losses.

5. The seller claims he has sent the product out to me, but I have neither received it nor the waybill details. What should I do?

In our terms and conditions of delivery, the product must be delivered to a buyer before the payment will be released to the seller. So dear buyer, don't panic, your payment is still with us. All you need to do if you are experiencing this kind of problem is just go to your dashboard, locate the order, select the particular order, then click the product not received/appeal. After that, a ClineTrust representative will attend to you shortly

6. Can I make a withdrawal from my ClineTrust account to a different Bank account of a different name?

No, you can't. You can only withdraw to your personal bank account details; that is, the name on the account must be the same as the bank account details

7. Do I need to pay a fee to claim my goods at any of the pickup centers?

Yes, you need to pay a fee of NGN 100 only.

8. Where can I meet the seller to receive my goods or services?

If there's no pickup center in your city yet, you can choose to meet the seller in a public place like a park, a bar, a restaurant, or an open place with enough evidence to show you're the one.

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